Tire Anti-Degradant (6PPD/q) State Survey |
General Information
The Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council (ITRC) is starting a new team in January 2023 focused on 6PPD; an antiozonant and antioxidant chemical used to extend the life and safety of tires. A transformation product of 6PPD referred to as 6PPD-quinone (6PPD-q) has been detected in roadway dust and stormwater runoff and was discovered to be acutely toxic to some aquatic organisms, specifically to some salmonid species. For ease of communication, 6PPD and 6PPD-quinone are referred to collectively as 6PPD/q.
The purpose of this survey is to collect and document state agency work and participation associated with the emerging contaminant 6PPD/q. This survey will be foundational to the state technical and regulatory guidance products under development by providing insight into what key topics and questions should be addressed and emphasized in ITRC's forthcoming 6PPD/q document.
The 6PPD team training and products will service many different state agencies (e.g., environment, transportation, fish and wildlife). To better support our planning, please distribute the 6PPD/q State Survey across your respective state agencies to facilitate input from a wider audience. We appreciate your survey response by Wednesday, March 15 to support our team’s first in-person planning meeting and continued scoping of outline and products.