The North Middleton Township Comprehensive Plan is a long-range policy document that covers a wide variety of topics and establishes goals and objectives for the orderly development of the township. The draft plan addresses Natural and Cultural Resources, Economic Development, Housing, Community Facilities, Land Use, and Transportation. A comprehensive plan is not a zoning ordinance that has legal authority. Other planning tools that have the force and effect of law, such as a zoning ordinance, are used to implement the goals and objectives found in the comprehensive plan.

North Middleton Township Planning Commission would like your input on the future of the township. Use the survey below to share your thoughts on potential goals and objectives included in the plan. You must be 18 years or older and reside, own or lease property, or work in North Middleton Township to participate. Visit  to learn more about this effort.

Contact North Middleton Township at 717-243-8550 with any questions related to the Comprehensive Plan update or questions related to the survey. Thank you!

Question Title

* 1. In your opinion, on a scale where 1 means “not important at all” and 5 means “extremely important”, what is the importance of the following objectives related to natural and cultural resources in North Middleton Township:

  1 - Not at all important 2 - Somewhat unimportant 3 - Neutral 4 - Somewhat
5 - Extremely important I’m not sure
Preserve Prime Farmland
Develop new parks, trails, and greenways
Maintain existing parks
Improve air quality
Protect threatened and endangered plant/animal species
Protect steep slopes (i.e. lands with slopes over 15%) to prevent erosion
Reduce flooding and decrease vulnerability to flooding damage
Preserve historic sites and structures
Protect surface and groundwater sources from pollution and over use
Implement township’s stormwater pollutant reduction plan (MS4 plan)

Question Title

* 2. In your opinion, on a scale where 1 means “not important at all” and 5 means “extremely important”, what is the importance of the following objectives related to economic development in North Middleton Township:

  1 - Not at all important 2 - Somewhat unimportant 3 - Neutral 4 - Somewhat
5- -Extremely important I'm not sure
Identify and market potential sites for new development in North Middleton Township
Attract new businesses to North Middleton Township
Retain businesses currently located in North Middleton Township
Revitalize blighted properties
Reuse existing developed sites, along the US 11 corridor
Support ongoing operations at the Carlisle Barracks
Support continued operations at Carlisle Fairgrounds

Question Title

* 3. In your opinion, on a scale where 1 means “not important at all” and 5 means “extremely important”, what is the importance of the following objectives related to housing in North Middleton Township:

  1 – Not at all important 2 – Somewhat unimportant 3 – Neutral 4 –Somewhat important 5 – Extremely important I'm not sure
Encourage a variety of housing (i.e. single family detached, townhomes, apartments, etc.)
Encourage enough housing units to support the increasing population
Encourage housing for all income levels
Encourage appropriate housing for special needs populations (i.e. persons with disabilities, the elderly, etc.)
Preserve and rehabilitate the existing housing stock

Question Title

* 4. In your opinion, does North Middleton Township have too much, not enough, or just the right amount of the following residential development types:

  1 - Way Too Much 2 – Somewhat Too Much 3 – Just Right Amount 4 –Somewhat Not Enough 5 – Way Not Enough I'm Not Sure
Single family detached
Two-family attached
Tiny homes (i.e. very small houses under 500 square feet of floor area)
Mobile homes
Multigenerational housing (i.e. In-law quarters, additional residential unit on an existing residential lot for family members)
Age restricted housing (i.e. housing for ages 55+)

Question Title

* 5. In your opinion, on a scale where 1 means “not important at all” and 5 means “extremely important”, what is the importance of the following objectives related to community facilities in North Middleton Township:

  1 – Not at all important 2 – Somewhat unimportant 3 – Neutral 4 –Somewhat important 5 – Extremely important I’m not sure
Maintain and improve existing sewer and water systems
Expand public sewer and water systems to support future growth
Protect drinking water supplies
Provide efficient and effective emergency services
Enable sufficient wireless broadband technology
Provide solid waste disposal services
Provide recycling services
Ensure adequate public utilities (i.e. electric, gas, etc.) to support current and future development opportunities

Question Title

* 6. In your opinion, on a scale where 1 means “not important at all” and 5 means “extremely important”, what is the importance of the following objectives related to land use in North Middleton Township:

  1 – Not at all important 2 – Somewhat unimportant 3 – Neutral 4 –Somewhat important 5 – Extremely important I’m not sure
Locate new development near existing infrastructure (i.e. sewer, water, roads)
Improve the appearance of new buildings
Maintain existing properties
Minimize conflicts between new and existing development
Provide for mixing of land uses (I.e. allowing more than one type use on a lot or in a building)
Maintain the township’s planning documents
Coordinate planning efforts with surrounding communities

Question Title

* 7. In your opinion, does North Middleton Township have too much, not enough, or just the right amount of the following types of land uses:

  1 – Way Too Much 2 – Somewhat Too Much 3 – Just Right Amount 4 – Somewhat Not Enough 5 - Way Not Enough I’m Not Sure
Professional office
Educational facilities (i.e. schools, libraries, etc.)
Health care and human services (i.e. hospitals, nursing homes, etc.)
Open Space
Mixed uses (more than one use on a lot or in a building; different uses located on different lots located close to one another)
Recreational facilities

Question Title

* 8. In your opinion, on a scale where 1 means “not important at all” and 5 means “extremely important”, what is the importance of the following objectives related to transportation in North Middleton Township:

  1 – Not at all important 2 – Somewhat unimportant 3 – Neutral 4 –Somewhat important 5 – Extremely important I'm not sure
Expand/provide more opportunities for bicycling
Provide more sidewalks
Increase public transit service
Encourage rail freight transportation
Improve safety of roads
Maintain existing roads
No structurally deficient bridges in the township

Question Title

* 9. A comprehensive plan includes a future land use map that shows land uses that are projected to occur over the next 10 years.  The future land use map is not a zoning map.  However, the township zoning ordinance is required to be consistent with the comprehensive plan and the township zoning ordinance may be changed at a later date to provide this consistency.

The following questions evaluate your support for one potential zoning map recommendation and two changes to the comprehensive plan’s future land use map. The proposed changes would involve referenced properties moving from Commercial/Light Industrial to Neighborhood Commercial. The purpose of these two classifications is listed below. For more information, see North Middleton Township Zoning Ordinance.

Commercial Light Industrial Purpose - The intent of this zone is to allow for more intense commercial uses, office uses, and high-tech, light industrial uses, in appropriate areas of the Township. This zone is not intended to accommodate heavy industrial uses, such as heavy manufacturing, truck terminals, or warehousing, as this zone is intended to encourage additional commercial and light industrial type uses in those areas of the Township where there are currently these and other similar type uses that will also help to build the tax base and are more compatible with other types of development.

Neighborhood Commercial Purpose - The purpose of this zone is to provide basic convenience commercial goods and services to local residents. Uses have been limited to those that residents are likely to need on a daily or regular basis. Overall, retail size has been restricted to prevent the establishment of intensive commercial uses that exceed the local orientation of this zone. These zones have been sized to permit a grouping of several businesses at locations efficiently serving several residential neighborhoods, simultaneously. Finally, several larger and more intensive uses have been allowed because of their provision of commercial conveniences for local residents; however, numerous protective requirements have been imposed to protect adjoining land uses.

The comprehensive plan may include a recommendation to change the zoning map from commercial/light industrial to neighborhood commercial for two properties fronting the Harrisburg Pike (US-11) (properties with yellow stars).  This change would enhance consistency with Middlesex Township while providing for lower intensity land uses that would be more compatible with surrounding residential development. Existing land use in this area would be permitted to continue operations and expand as necessary.

Please rate your level of support for each change on the scale below from 1 for “Strongly Disagree” to 5 for “Strongly Agree”

Question Title

Please review the proposed recommendation to change the land use for the properties with yellow stars.

Please review the proposed recommendation to change the land use for the properties with yellow stars.

Question Title

* 10. The comprehensive plan may include a recommendation to change the future land use map designation from commercial/light industrial to neighborhood commercial for one property fronting the Harrisburg Pike (US-11) (property with yellow stars). The change would only apply to the land fronting along the Harrisburg Pike and would connect with the commercial highway area to the northeast to the neighborhood commercial to the southwest. This change would enhance consistency with Middlesex Township while providing for lower intensity land uses that would be more compatible with surrounding residential development. Existing land use in this area would be permitted to continue operations and expand as necessary.

Question Title

Please review the proposed recommendation to change the land use for the portion of property with yellow stars.

Please review the proposed recommendation to change the land use for the portion of property with yellow stars.

Question Title

* 11. The comprehensive plan may include a change to the future land use map designation (area designated with yellow star and lines) from commercial/light industrial to neighborhood commercial. This change would extend the neighborhood commercial designation from PA 641 south to the Norfolk Southern Railroad from McClures Gap Road west to the end of the existing neighborhood commercial land use designation at 1200 Newville Road.  This modification will enhance land use compatibility in the area by allowing for a variety of residential and smaller scale commercial development that will better mesh with the residences along PA 641.

Question Title

Please review the proposed recommendation to change the land use for the portion of property indicated with a yellow star and lines.

Please review the proposed recommendation to change the land use for the portion of property indicated with a yellow star and lines.

Question Title

* 12. The following questions are for analysis only and will not be used in any way to identify you.
The best way for North Middleton Township to communicate with me is (select all that apply)

Question Title

* 13. Do you currently live in North Middleton Township?  (check one)

Question Title

* 14. If you answered yes to question #13, how long have you lived in North Middleton Township?

Question Title

* 15. Do you own or rent/lease your home in North Middleton Township

Question Title

* 16. If you answered no to question #13, what is your connection to North Middleton Township?  (select all that apply)

Question Title

* 17. Do you work in North Middleton Township?

Question Title

* 18. How old are you?

Question Title

* 19. What is your highest level of education? (check one)

Question Title

* 20. What is your marital status (check one)

Question Title

* 21. What is your gender?

Question Title

* 22. What is your race/ethnicity (check one or more)

Question Title

* 23. Do any children under 18 years of age currently reside in your home (check one)

Question Title

* 24. How did you learn about this survey? (check all that apply)

Question Title

* 25. Please share any additional comments/feedback