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Basic Information

Please fill in this form to submit an expression of interest to join the Global Resilience Partnership. This form serves as a preliminary step in the application process, allowing organisations to indicate their interest in becoming a part of the Partnership. Completing this expression of interest form should take between 15-20 minutes. Please note that all the fields with an asterisk (*) are required and must be filled in before submitting. If you cannot answer a required question then please indicate or select N/A.

Contact in case of any issues.

By uploading your information you confirm that GRP can retain data on you and your organisation as per our privacy policy.

Expressions of interest will be considered at the next meeting of the GRP Advisory Council who will decide whether to invite the organisation to become a Partner. The Advisory Council meets twice a year.

Question Title

* 1. Organisation name

Question Title

* 2. Type of organisation

Question Title

* 3. Organisation's Headquarter location. Please specify the region and country.
Example Africa, Kenya

Question Title

* 4. Location of operation. Please specify the regions and country/ countries where the organisation operates

Question Title

* 5. Theme

Question Title

* 6. Approach

Question Title

* 7. SDGs

Question Title

* 8. Vision

Question Title

* 9. Mission

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