Pottawatomie and Lincoln Counties Survey

One in 9 girls and 1 in 20 boys under the age of 18 experience sexual abuse or assault. Sexual harassment and assault in schools is something we take very seriously and want to stand with you to prevent and end further harm to students.

We are asking you to participate in taking the survey if you have been affected by sexual harassment and assault while in school. Examples of sexual harassment and assault can include: Any unwanted touch that made you feel uncomfortable - inappropriate sexual comments - pressure to do anything sexual that you did not want to do - exposure to graphic sexual content – sexual misconduct - sexual assault.

This survey is anonymous and confidential. Only the members of SART have access to survey results. The results will not be reported.

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* 1. Have you been personally affected by sexual harassment or assault while attending school?

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* 2. Has someone you know been affected by sexual harassment or assault while attending school?

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* 3. If you answered "yes" to question 2, were they a:

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* 4. What year did the assault occur? If there were multiple events please list those years also.

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* 5. Who assaulted you?
You do not have to give a name, just how they are connected to you. For example: another student, boyfriend/girlfriend, teacher, coach, administrator, etc.

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* 6. What grade were you in and how old were you?

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* 7. What school did you attend when it occurred?

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* 8. Did you report it to the school?

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* 9. If you answered "yes" to question 8...

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* 10. If you answered "no" to number 8, what were your reasons?

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* 11. Did you report it to Law Enforcement?

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* 12. If you reported to law enforcement...

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* 13. Is there anything else you would like for us to know?

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* 14. Would you like to speak with an advocate regarding this survey or harassment/assault that has occurred to you or someone else?

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* 15. If you answered “yes” to number 10, please provide your contact information. You can leave your name or just a number, whatever makes you the most comfortable.

Any information you provided today is confidential. Thank you for participating in this survey, we value your input. We are sorry this has happened to you and hope you will reach out to us so we can help guide you through the next steps of your healing journey.

Sponsored by the Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) of Pottawatomie and Lincoln Counties.
Feel free to reach out to us directly at sart@projectsafeok.com or 405-273-9953.