Thank you for participating in our survey. Your feedback is important and will help us to continuously improve on our services.

"When considering your experiences at National First Aid, how much do you agree that" -

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1. I am inspired to meet my goals at work.

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2. I feel effective in my role.

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3. I have resources and support to provide a highly effective learning environment for my students.

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4. Trainers take the initiative to help other trainers as needed.

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5. Trainers in my organisation willingly accept change.

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6. Performance expectations for trainers are clear.

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7. The culture in the workplace is positive.

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8. Communication between the leadership team and trainer is good.

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9. The leadership team is responsive to my needs.

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10. Communication between administration team and trainer is good.

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11. The administration team is responsive to my needs.

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12. You are responsive to the needs of the administration team.

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13. Trainers treat each other with respect.

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14. NFA is dedicated to diversity and inclusiveness. 

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15. What do you enjoy most about your job?

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16. What do you least enjoy about your job?

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17. What are some of the things you would like to see us do if we have the capacity to provide it?

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18. Any other feedback/comments?