The purpose of this survey is to provide information on the status of the Housing and Disability Advocacy Program (HDAP) in all participating communities, from program implementation through June 30, 2023. Your responses will be used to inform the 2024 Annual HDAP report to the Legislature. Please review and complete this survey no later than COB Friday, October 27th, 2023. You may complete a portion of the survey and return later to complete the rest of the questions. 
We anticipate that you will need to utilize data from the HDAP PII 21 report and HMIS. We recommend ensuring that you have access to this data before beginning the survey. 
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Housing and Homelessness Division at housing@dss.ca.gov. 

Question Title

* 1. Please provide your contact information:

Question Title

* 2. Please check all of the ways in which being housed (temporarily, permanently, and/or combination of both) positively impacted clients:

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* 3. Please describe any other ways housing impacted clients. You may also elaborate on your answers above providing any additional explanation or description.

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* 4. Please check all of the ways in which being housed (temporarily, permanently, and/or combination of both) positively impacted the disability benefits application process for clients:

Question Title

* 5. Please describe any other ways housing impacted the disability application process for clients. You may also elaborate on your answers above providing any additional explanation or description.

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* 6. Please indicate the number of clients who were in permanent housing at the time of disability application approval, between program implementation and December 31, 2022:

Question Title

* 7. Of the clients in your response to survey question six, how many were still housed six (6) months after approval of disability benefit(s)?

Note: They may or may not still be enrolled in HDAP. The client may have been approved for more than one disability benefit. Please reference the earliest date they were awarded disability benefits while in HDAP.

Question Title

* 8. Please indicate the number of clients who were in permanent housing at the time of disability application approval, between program implementation and July 1, 2022
Note: Many of these clients may also be counted in question 6.

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* 9. Of the clients in your response to survey question eight, how many were still housed twelve (12) months after approval of disability benefit(s)?

Note: Many of these clients may also be counted in question 7. They may or may not still be enrolled in HDAP. The client may have been approved for more than one disability benefit. Please reference the earliest date they were awarded disability benefits while in HDAP.

Question Title

* 10. Please describe the ways in which the one time additional funding for Fiscal Year (FY) 2021-2022 and FY 2022-23 has affected your program's operations. Please explain changes to your program design and implementation/operations. For example: your program's capacity to enroll new clients; capacity to provide disability advocacy services or connections to disability advocates; and your program's ability to successfully house clients.

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* 11. Please describe the ways in which your program is expanding services to include prevention for individuals at risk of experiencing homelessness. Please describe successes, challenges and any lessons learned.

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* 12. In the space below, please describe the ways in which your program has leveraged other state funded resources and/or state funding to support the HDAP target population. This may include but is not limited to engagement with Project Roomkey (PRK) administrators and participants, utilizing Homekey sites for permanent housing, applying for funding or leveraging beds and units created or preserved through Community Care Expansion (CCE), CalAIM Enhanced Care Management and Community Supports, or Behavioral Health Continuum Infrastructure (BHCIP ) funding, etc.

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* 13. In the space below, please share anything you would like CDSS to know about how disability benefits, once approved, impact access to and ability to maintain housing stability.

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* 14. What are some of your unique challenges and lessons learned while operating and implementing an HDAP? Examples include, but are not limited to, difficulty obtaining medical records, level of case management needed after housing placements, less housing vouchers than anticipated, etc. Please describe any strategies your program has identified to overcome these obstacles and/or how CDSS can provide support.

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* 15. Please note below anything else you would like to share about the HDAP program.