Question Title

* 1. Name

Question Title

* 2. Headshot

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 3. Speaker Bio 
A short paragraph that the co-hosts will read when introducing you. 

Question Title

* 4. Episode Topic 
Our episodes are only about 25 minutes long, which means we want you to spend that time discussing a topic that you are drawn to.
Please check 1-3 topics that you would be most called to speak about during your episode. If you have another topic that you would prefer and do not see it on the list, please fill it in the "Other" space.

Question Title

* 5. Availability 
Please provide at least 2 dates and timeframes that you would be available to film your episode. Our team will confirm one of these dates with you once we get approval from our studio.

Question Title

* 6. Location
Please select the most convenient location for filming your episode. 

Question Title

* 7. Contact Information
If you have any contact information or social media accounts that you would be willing to share with our listeners; please write them below.

Question Title

* 8. Media Release Consent
- Createur does not pay speakeurs fees or travel expenses – it's for the students. 
- You will be responsible for shipping/receiving charges if you send materials or books.  
- You are permitting Createur to use your name and photo in podcast promotions.  
- You are providing permission to Createur for all still, video, broadcast, and sound recordings that may be made of the Podcast, and agreeing to participate as a speakeur is regarded as permission to join in still photography, video, broadcast, and sound recordings.  
- Speaker names, headshots, speaker bios, and contact information my be posted on the Createur Website. 
- Createur will approve all footage and final cuts of any video recording before distribution by the speakeur.