Nominations for the 2024 Joy Smith CaliVic Volunteer Award are now open until 11:59pm 17th November.

The Calisthenics Victoria Volunteer Awards recognise and honour outstanding individuals who are making a significant contribution to Calisthenics across Victoria. For the purpose of these awards, volunteering is defined as:
  • To be of service to local and state calisthenics and affiliated associations
  • Volunteer for a Victorian affiliated calisthenics club / college
  • Volunteer for no financial payment
To be eligible to be considered in this category, the nominee must:
The Joy Smith Calisthenics Victoria Volunteer of the Year award is designed to recognise an individual who has shown true commitment and dedication to Calisthenics Victoria in a volunteer capacity. Joy Smith was a humble, dignified woman who exemplified the true meaning of volunteering with a love for her sport and state.

The selection panel will consider:
  • Scope of contribution across the broad calisthenics community local, district and state level
  • Impact on competitions, committees and sport development
  • Outstanding contribution that goes ‘above and beyond’ the nature of the volunteer role

Please provide your name and contact details. CaliVic reserves the right to contact nominators for further information.

Question Title

* 1. Nominator Details (Your Details)

Please provide nominee's contact details.

Question Title

* 2. Nominee's Details (Their Details)

Question Title

* 3. Please upload a High Resolution Image of the Nominee.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
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The Joy Smith Calisthenics Victoria Volunteer of the Year award is designed to recognise an individual who has shown true commitment and dedication to Calisthenics Victoria in a volunteer capacity. Joy Smith was a humble, dignified woman who exemplified the true meaning of volunteering with a love for her sport and state.

Please provide examples that best demonstrate how the nominee meets the selection criteria. The assessment is based entirely on the information supplied below.

Question Title

* 4. How does the nominee contribute across calisthenics community.

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* 5. What impact does the nominee have on competitions, committees and sport development?

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* 6. How does the nominee show outstanding contribution that goes ‘above and beyond’ the nature of the volunteer role?

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* 7. Please share any other relevant information.

Thank you for your nomination! Nominees will be presented on our social media channels in December 2024!