Contented Earth Climate Survey January 2025 for Eco Interested people.
Contented Earth Climate Survey January 2025
3 minute, anonymous survey on climate awareness, feelings and actions.
How concerned / worried / anxious do you feel about climate change?
A great deal
A lot
A moderate amount
A little
None at all
When you read / see / hear things about climate change, how does it make you feel? What are all the emotions that it provokes? [Free text]
If you feel worried, concerned, etc are you more or less worried about climate change compared to two years ago?
A lot more worried
A little more worried
About the same
A little less worried
A lot less worried
If your feelings about climate change have changed in the last two years, what has caused them to change? [Free text]
Have you made any lifestyle changes for climate change reasons? If so, what have you done? Have you joined any climate groups, or followed any climate accounts, or shared any climate content? [Free text]
What holds you back from doing more? [Free text]
How much do you understand about the climate crisis? Do you know the difference between the impacts we face at 1.5'C warming vs 2'C warming? Do you know what you should be doing in order to helping with the climate crisis?
I understand a lot; I understand the impacts; I know what we should do (even if I'm not doing it).
I understand a bit; I'm not really sure of the difference between 1.5 & 2'C of warming; I have a vague idea of what we should do, but could do with more information and guidance.
I don't understand much at all; I'm unclear on why 1.5'C is so important (compared to 2'C, 3'C or 4'C); I really don't know what we should be doing to help.
What's your bandwidth each week (time-wise, but also emotionally, mentally, financially etc) for taking action on climate? (Please be honest - no judgement, just understanding and support)
Just the teeniest amount - 5 mins max
A very small amount - 10-15 mins
A little - 15-60 mins
Some - 1-2 hours
What would you need to either make lifestyle changes, be more vocal on climate, or join a climate group? [Free text]
Any other comments you'd like to make... [Free text]