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* 1. Each person in the company knows the most important metric and how he/she impacts it on a daily basis

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* 2. We are a leader in our industry peer group in both operating and financial metrics

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* 3. We have financial planning and analysis experts embedded in the operating units

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* 4. I have a skilled and reliable team to handle day to day operations allowing me to focus on strategy and vision and looking forward

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* 5. We consistently produce timely and accurate financial statements and reports within 10 days of prior month-end

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* 6. We are a leader in effectively utilizing financial technology and automation

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* 7. Our financial and operational metrics are reported consistently, accurately and timely

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* 8. Our team has confidence in the accuracy of the metrics reported

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* 9. We maintain appropriate debt levels on competitive terms for our industry and a company our size

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* 10. We receive numerous attractive term sheets when placing debt

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* 11. We have identified the root cause of the key barrier to increased profitability

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* 12. All of our products and services are profitable

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* 13. We know each customer’s life time value and engage with them in a way that satisfies their needs and allows us to be profitable on their account

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* 14. We have identified key leading indicators to monitor our effectiveness in eliminating the root cause that is the key barrier to our increased profitability

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* 15. We have an accurate and reliable, rolling cash flow forecast of at least 12 months that we update at least monthly

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* 16. We consistently collect receivables early

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* 17. We have consistently demonstrated our ability and willingness to quickly make changes and adjustments based on the actual metric results

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* 18. Our team is united about their necessary response when the metrics are trending below targets

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* 19. We have been able to narrow our focus to 1 – 3 company-wide leading indicators that are our priorities this year

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* 20.  Your Information so that we may contact you with your results