Thank you for participating in this survey as part of the "We Love Local?" month of events and activities. Find out more about the events at This short survey is intended for CONSUMERS buying locally and there is a separate survey for BUSINESSES selling locally: The surveys are designed to help understand what drives people to buy locally and to create tailored strategies for developing local markets and enterprises. All answers will be kept strictly anonymous and confidential. The survey should take no more than 5 minutes.

Question Title

* 1. Please list the postcode where you live (e.g. 6530)

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* 2. Do you do most of your shopping locally?

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* 3. What does 'buying local' mean to you?

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* 4. What is important to you when choosing to buy locally?

  Not Important Mildly Important Important Very Important N/A
The products are better quality
It keeps money in the local economy
I like that I can purchase a product today and don't have to wait for postage or freight.
There's a bigger variety to choose from
It's more convenient to shop locally
The food is fresher
It's a good place to meet new friends and make connections with local shop-owners
It's cheaper
I like dealing face to face with real people when buying a product.
The food is healthier
It like to support the local community
Other (please specify)

Question Title

* 5. If there was more information about the benefits of shopping locally (e.g. job creation, local growth, less environmental impact) do you think more people would buy local?

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* 6. Please rank how important the following factors are when you shop locally from most important (1) to least important (6).

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* 7. What, if any, do you think the downsides of shopping locally are? Tick all applicable answers.

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* 8. Please indicate what products /services you don't buy locally and why you shop elsewhere.

  Service Quality Convenience Price Opening Hours Product Variety No local alternative
Clothing & footwear
Health services
Specialty foods (e.g. organic, healthfood)
Wine and Spirits
Crafts / hobbies
Automotive services
Furniture / appliances
Building materials / hardware
Office Supplies

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* 9. When you don't shop locally, please indicate where you shop.

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* 10. How satisfied are you with the variety of local outlets near you?

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* 11. If you're not satisfied with the variety of local outlets, what types stores do you think your community could benefit from?

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* 12. Do you do the majority of your household's shopping?

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* 13. Please indicate your gender.

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* 14. Please indicate your age.

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* 15. How many people live in your household?

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* 16. What is your combined household income (p/a)? All responses will be anonymised and kept confidential.

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* 17. If you would like to be emailed the results of this survey, and go in the draw for a prize for completing it, please supply your email address. Your email will be separated from your survey response and will not be used for any other purposes or mailings.

Thank you for participating in this survey. Pollinators and partner organisations will initially use the results of the survey as a basis for a month of discussions and events called "We Love Local?". Further details are on our website