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* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. Does your institution have an ethics board or institutional review board (IRB) that oversees research protocols?

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* 3. Does your institution have active cancer research projects and researchers?

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* 4. If yes, what areas of research are being undertaken at your institution? (Check all the apply)

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* 5. Are any of the following disease areas the subject of active research at your center?

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* 6. Does your institution or an affiliated institution offer advanced degrees in cancer-related disciplines (Masters, PhD, or similar)? For example, a hospital affiliated with a university

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* 7. Does your institution have a fiscal oversight office or unit that is capable of processing research grant submissions and managing grant funding when received?

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* 8. Has your institution received grant funding from outside funders?

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* 9. If yes, what funding sources have been previously held grants at your institution?

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* 10. Is your institution registered in the US grant system (i.e., does your institution have a DUNS number, FWA, etc)

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* 11. Please indicate if you are affiliated with MADCaP, ARGO, AfRECC, etc

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* 12. Please share any other comments you have below:

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