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Teacher Informational Letter and Consent Form
What is the study about?

WestEd, a non-profit educational research organization, is collaborating with CSTA, CSTA Wisconsin Dairyland, CSTA New Jersey, and the CSTA Black Affinity Group to study the Scaling MENTORS in CS program. Scaling MENTORS in CS is a peer-mentoring program for high school computer science teachers. The first goal of the study is to measure the impact the program has on teachers. The second goal of the study is to gather data on how the program is implemented different in Wisconsin, in New Jersey, and with the Black Affinity Group. The study is funded by the National Science Foundation.
What will I have to do for the study?

If you choose to participate, you will be asked to complete the following during the year:
  • Surveys: Complete a survey to measure your confidence in CS teaching, teaching knowledge, job satisfaction and mentoring experience (~30 minutes; once at the start of the year and once at the end of the year).
  • Self-assessment rubric (mentees): Complete a rubric assessing progress towards your professional learning goals (~20 minutes; 3 times during the year at mentoring sessions).
  • Self-assessment rubric (NEW mentors only): Complete a rubric assessing your teaching knowledge and skills (~20 minutes during mentor training).
  • Feedback during CoP meetings (mentors): During CoP meetings, CSTA may ask for your feedback about the mentoring program and summarize what you share in a notes file (no additional time).
  • Artifacts from CoP meetings: During CoP meetings, CSTA facilitates activities related to mentoring skills and equitable and inclusive teaching practices. We will collect the artifacts that are a result of those activities.
A subset of teachers will also be asked to participate in the following:
  • Interviews/focus groups: Participate in one or two interviews or focus groups about your mentoring experience and its influence on your teaching. (~30 minutes in the middle and end of the year).
  • Equity focus groups: Participate in a focus group interview about your perspectives on equity in computer science education. (~60 minutes; once a year)
  • Chapter and affinity group leaders focus groups: Participate in a focus group interview about the sociocultural and educational contexts of participants and how these factors impacted program implementation. (~60 minutes; once a year)
Also, CSTA may share your MENTORS in CS application data with WestEd so that we can analyze the project data based on participant characteristics.
Do I have to participate in this study?

No. Participation is completely voluntary. There are no penalties for you if you do not participate in this study. Whether or not you choose to take part in the study will have no bearing on your participation in Scaling MENTORS in CS. You also have the right to withdraw from the study if you change your mind later. There are no penalties for withdrawing from the study. 
Will my privacy be protected?

Yes. All information is confidential.  All data collected regarding you will be assigned unique study-specific identification numbers/labels. This information will be used for research purposes only, and your personal identification will not appear in the data that researchers analyze or in any reports on the project outcomes. Identifying information that is collected will be stored separately in locked electronic files or will be kept secure at WestEd in a locked file cabinet. Your information will only be used for this study. We will not use your information in other projects.
Are there any risks or benefits to being in the study?

You will be asked to reflect on your professional practice and participation in Scaling MENTORS in CS, which might make you feel uncomfortable (e.g., by sharing that there is something you don't yet know about teaching computer science; discussing negative opinions about your mentors/mentees). If a data breach occurs and interview recordings or transcripts or survey responses are leaked, you could face embarrassment about information you shared. However, we believe these risks to be minimal.

You may benefit from the opportunity to reflect on your teaching or to guide other teachers in pursuing their professional development goals. Your participation will help researchers evaluate the design and effectiveness of the MENTORS in CS program.  
Will I be compensated?

CSTA will provide mentors with a $2,000 stipend and mentees with a $500 stipend. These stipends are an honorarium for completing activities of the mentoring program and for participating in research activities. WestEd will not provide additional compensation for research activities.
I have more questions. Who do I contact?

If you have further questions about this study, you may contact Dr. Aleata Hubbard Cheuoua at 650-381-6443 or If you have questions or concerns regarding your rights as a research participant, you may contact the WestEd Institutional Review Board (IRB) at 844-472-5437 or
Please review the information above. To consent to participate in this evaluation, fill in the bubble below and provide the requested information.
MENTORS in CS Consent Form

Question Title

* 1. Name:

Question Title

* 2. E-mail Address (for study communications):

Question Title

* 3. Please select today’s date:


Question Title

* 4. Please indicate whether you wish to participate in the study. (If you do not wish to participate, we will use the above information to remove you from our contact list.)

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