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* 1. Your Contact Information (Required by City Council)

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* 2. Did your household recycle when the City provided curbside service?

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* 3. How are you recycling currently?

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* 4. If you use a private service, how much do you pay per month?

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* 5. If you use a private service, is glass included?

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* 6. How much of your recyclable material is:

  10% - 15% 16% - 20% 21% - 25% More than 25% N/A
Aluminum / Tin

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* 7. If you use the City drop-off sites, please rate the following using a scale of 1 - 5, with 5 being excellent and 1 being poor. If you don't use the City drop-off sites, please select "N/A" as your answer.

  1 - Poor 2 3 - Average 4 5 - Excellent N/A
Appropriate number of drop-off locations
Location / accessibility
Appropriate number of collection containers
Type of materials accepted

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* 8. Should the City reinstate the curbside recycling program, please indicate the fee you'd be willing to pay per month.

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* 9. Comments - please provide any comments you'd like to share with City leaders (2,000 characters max).