Survey Questions

We are proud to take our fiber to the home construction in Lyon County into phase two.  We are using this form to map potential customers and focus our build out. Please fill out completely.  

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* 1. What is your first name?

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* 2. What is your last name?

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* 3. What is a contact phone number?

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* 4. What is your email address?

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* 5. What is your address?

In building our fiber service it takes the community to make the project a success. It involves people coming together to improve the quality of life, your home value, and your every day educational and economical needs. More and more people have the opportunity to work from home and we want to provide them that ability. With fiber, it gives us the means to utilize a medium that leaves no house left unserved or under served.
How can you help? There are many ways to assist us. 

- We are deploying based on demand and ability to serve. Please spread the word with your neighbors to help us get a more focused build out.
- Easements and land access: While we have secured access to county roadway easements, there are still limitations we have to factor; such as Interstates, creeks, mountains and railways. Do you or your family own a farm? Would you be willing to let us run fiber deep underground through your field, potentially cutting miles off the path to deliver service in the county?

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* 6. Any additional comments or questions do you have?

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* 7. Can we contact you either by phone or email with updates or questions during our build out?