The City of Springfield wants to hear from you about your top investment priorities for the Forest Park neighborhood. Please take ten minutes to complete this short survey. THANK YOU!

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* 1. Which of the following best describes you? (select all that apply)

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* 2. If you live in the Forest Park neighborhood, where do you live? See the map below.

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Forest Park Census Tracts

<span style="text-decoration: underline;">Forest Park Census Tracts</span>

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* 3. Of the following transportation issues, choose the top three you would prioritize.

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* 4. Are there any issues related to parking in the Forest Park neighborhood that you would like to see addressed?

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* 5. Are there other major transportation investments you'd like to see in Forest Park?


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* 6. Of the following investments relating to housing in the Forest Park neighborhood, which would you prioritize?

Prioritize Home Maintenance/Repair vs. Prioritize New Housing

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* 7. Choose the top three housing investments that you would like to see in Forest Park.

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* 8. Are there other major housing investments you'd like to see in Forest Park?

Local Jobs and Businesses
Greater investment in Forest Park’s economy could support local businesses and bring in new businesses, helping both owners and customers while generating wealth in the neighborhood.

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* 9. Where would you like to see targeted development occur? Choose your top three from the options below.

Each choice has a letter in front of it, and you can find that same letter next to a pink area on the map below, showing you where it’s located in the neighborhood.

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* 10. What other investments related to job creation and economic development would you like to see in Forest Park?

Local, Healthy Food

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* 11. Choose your top three out of the following investment opportunities for improving access to healthy food in Forest Park.

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* 12. What other investments would help you and your neighbors to access healthy, affordable food?

Parks, Open Space, and Recreation

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* 13. Is there a need for new parks in the Forest Park neighborhood?

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* 14. Which parks need further investment to improve access, ADA compliance, or other amenities?

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* 15. What types of programming would you like to see at the parks/recreational spaces in the Forest Park neighborhood? (e.g., programs for children, young adults, elders, etc.)

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* 16. What other park, open space, and recreation investments would you like to see in the Forest Park Neighborhood?

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Rising energy costs and the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions suggest the importance of new approaches to meeting household energy needs, both electricity and heating and cooling.

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* 17. Would you support community-owned solar developments in your neighborhood?

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* 18. Do you support Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations, including curbside charging, in the Forest Park neighborhood?

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* 19. Do you have any other suggestions to make it easier for Forest Park residents and business owners to reduce energy use and transition to clean, safe, sustainable energy?

Arts & Culture

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* 20. Choose the top three arts and culture features you would like to see more of in Forest Park.

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* 21. What other arts and culture investments would you like to see in Forest Park?

Final Questions

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* 22. Choose your top three from the following options for major investments needed in Forest Park.

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* 23. What other major investments would you like to see in the Forest Park neighborhood?