Thank you for your interest in joining the Visit Lake Geneva Ambassador Program. A Visit Lake Geneva Ambassador is a part of the Visit Lake Geneva team. An ambassador is the face and heart of Visit Lake Geneva, promoting the organization and its partners, welcoming new partners, supporting and celebrating all partner businesses and organizations, and helping to make Visit Lake Geneva events successful. This is a volunteer opportunity. You can find all the details of the position by clicking HERE.

By completing the following form you are agreeing to be contacted for an interview. Interviews will be scheduled at a time convenient for you and the VLG Partnership Manager.

Question Title

* 1. To be contacted for an interview, Please complete the following.

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* 2. What special volunteer interests do you have, check all that apply?

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* 3. Are you able to commit up to 4 hours per month to fulfill the Visit Lake Geneva Ambassador responsibilities?

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* 4. Are you affiliated with a local business or organization?

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* 5. Why do you want to be a VLG Ambassador?

Thank you for your interest in joining the Visit Lake Geneva Ambassador Program. One of the Visit Lake Geneva team members will be in touch with you soon.