Mindful Meditation Contest Survey

Thanks for your interest in the Mindful Meditation survey. The survey collection ended January 11, 2019.
You can find more information about Mindful: Meditate & Color Your Way to Life-Giving Relationships at Mindful.

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* 1. Please let us know who you are and how to contact you if you are the winner.

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* 2. Quiet time meditation can help improve physical and emotional well-being. Check the health benefits that you are interested in. Check all that apply.

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* 3. What has prevented you in the past from regular quiet time meditation? Check all that apply.

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* 4. Sometimes distractions prevent us from establishing a regular quiet time. What typically distracts you? Check all that apply.

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* 5. Thank you so much for taking this short survey. Now I have a surprise for you. It's a 21-page mini-ebook called Mindspa: Thinking Like a Daughter of the King. This mini-ebook is meant to encourage and equip you to find well-being in all five aspects of health; including emotional, spiritual, intellectual, physical and relational health. As revealed in the Bible, we humans were created to live through these five pillars of life. 

When you check the box below, you will be added to my newsletter list. I promise not to flood your inbox. After a few introductory emails, you will receive one quarterly newsletter, plus occasional offers and special announcements. You can unsubscribe at any time. 

By checking the box below, you are giving me permission to be added to the list. I will email you a free, downloadable copy of Mindspa.

To learn more about my meditation/coloring book, visit Mindful.