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* 1. Portsmouth Avenue is considered a ‘gateway’ into Exeter and hosts an interesting mix of commercial ventures, including restaurants, hotels, auto dealers and retail establishments.  Please describe the sense you get when you travel this artery and articulate your vision for the corridor.

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* 2. What do you view as the impediments/challenges the corridor faces to achieve that vision?

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* 3. Using the Portsmouth Ave Potential Development Map, using the parcel number, please specify what you believe is the right fit for these properties.

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* 4. Portsmouth Avenue is almost entirely built out, save the parcels in the Redevelopment Map.  One opportunity for further development would be to change the height and density restrictions in the C-2 and Portsmouth Ave section of C-1 Zoning Districts.  Would you be supportive of such a change?

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* 5. The travel lanes on Portsmouth Avenue fluctuate from nine on the Stratham town line to three where it meets High Street.  This transition, which includes middle turning lanes in both directions, sometimes causes confusion and traffic congestion, particularly for motorists headed downtown.  Do you feel that that the town and state should create a more convenient design and, if so, what are your recommendations for same?

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* 6. Are you satisfied with the current Portsmouth Avenue streetscape?  If not, how should it be improved?