International Day(s) is a treasured tradition at Foothill. This year, we made quite a few changes to the structure of the event, including extending it to three days and infusing more academic instruction into the days. Your opinion is valuable to us. Please take a moment to share your thoughts and suggestions on this event.

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* 1. Overall, how did you feel about International Days 2024 (5 stars being highest)?

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* 2. Is this your first International Day experience at Foothil Country Day School?

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* 3. Please share the grade levels of your children (check all that apply):

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* 4. Please rate the following sessions for the value they provided for you and your child. If you are unaware if your child attended, please feel click N/A

  Excellent Good Needs Improvement Poor N/A
Theme of "Sharing Our Stories"
Value of International Days event in relation to the school's Mission
Parent Storytellers (Visiting Speakers)
Author Rene Colato Lainez kick off (visit in November)
Tongva & Gabrielino Elder visit (Tuesday)
Author Janice Munemitsu (Wednesday)
Red Boy Productions dance troupe (Thursday)
Parent video productions (submitted in advance)
Clarity of communication from the School and/or Room Parents
Three day length of event

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* 5. As a parent did you participate in any of the activities? Please share which aspects you or your child participated in (check all that apply):

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* 8. What do you feel was the most impactful moment OR a key takeaway for your child?

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* 9. For future International Days, what other ways do you (the parent) foresee yourself participating?

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* 10. Do you feel International Days is an important part of  the Foothill Country Day School/Seedling School experience?

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* 11. Do you have any suggestions for sessions, content, or structure for International Days 2026?