The Brimfield Public Library District received a Libraries Transforming Communities: Small and Rural Accessible Communities grant from the American Library Association to make the library's spaces, collections, and programs more accessible for youth with disabilities. It is important to the Library that we include children and teens with disabilities and their families in the conversation about how to make the Library more welcoming, inclusive, and accessible.

Children and teens - if you are old enough to answer the survey questions your own or with help, please check with your caregiver and then answer as many questions as you and your family are comfortable with.
Caregivers - if your child is not able to answer on their own or needs assistance, please fill out the survey on behalf of your child and family.

All responses are strictly confidential and no information will be shared that identifies respondents. If you have any questions about this survey or would like assistance in responding, please contact Katie Hahn, Director:; 309-446-9575.

Thank you for your time!

Question Title

* 1. How frequently do you typically use the Brimfield Public Library in person?

Question Title

* 2. How satisfied are you with the accessibility of Brimfield Public Library's spaces, materials, and programs?

Question Title

* 3. Please indicate your level of interest in the following accessibility improvements to library spaces and collections for you or someone in your care.

  Very interested Interested Slightly interested Not at all interested
Sensory-friendly seating, interactive wall boards, and other accessible furniture
Items such as noise canceling headphones, weighted vests, and other sensory equipment for in-library use
Items such as noise canceling headphones, weighted vests, and sensory equipment for check-out
More audiobooks and read-along books
Large print books for children and teens

Question Title

* 4. What can the Brimfield Public Library do to make the Library more welcoming and inclusive for you or the young person in your care?

Question Title

* 5. How old are you? (If you are a caregiver, how old is the young person in your care?)

Thank you for your feedback!