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Partner Agency Survey

NOTE: If you are not a partner agency associated with the Blue Ridge SWCD, please DO NOT complete this survey. Please consider the General Constituent survey. Visit for other surveys.

The Blue Ridge Soil and Water Conservation District (BRSWCD) is in the process of updating our four year strategic plan to help guide our operations and generate our goals and objectives. We rely on input from our constituents to accomplish this. Your input is important to us, so we request that you thoughtfully answer each survey question.
Virginia's Conservation Districts are "political subdivisions of the Commonwealth of Virginia" classified as (501) (c5) that utilize state, federal and private sector resources to solve today's conservation issues. The guiding philosophy of all Conservation districts is that decisions on conservation issues should be made at the local level, by local people, with technical assistance provided by government.
Each conservation district is led by a Board of Directors (are not paid) made up of local people from all walks of life. These elected/appointed members study local natural resource issues and make decisions which enhance and protect their community.
The BRSWCD is one of 47 SWCD's throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia designed to give a local voice to the conservation of our state's natural resources. Our mission is accomplished through a variety of programs including the Virginia Agricultural Best Management Practices (BMP) Program, an Environmental Education Program, Virginia Conservation Assistance Program (VCAP), Ag Stewardship Act, TMDL (319 grant(s), and a Technical Assistance Program. Blue Ridge SWCD serves the citizens of Franklin, Henry, Roanoke Counties and the City of Roanoke. The Blue Ridge SWCD was formed under the authority of Title 21, Code of Virginia passed by the General Assembly in 1938.
All SWCDs are required by the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) to develop a strategic plan that will guide district operations for a defined period. The following stakeholder survey will help direct us in our operations for the next four years. Your input is important to us, so we respectfully request your participation in the following survey. Information collected will be utilized to generate goals and objectives in our 2024-2028 Strategic Plan.
As a participation incentive, respondents will be eligible to win one of three random drawings of $75.00 each.
Please return the survey no later than November 1, 2024. Thank you in advance for your time, efforts and consideration to this request to complete this survey.
Mission Statement: "The Mission of the Blue Ridge Soil & Water Conservation District is to promote conservation of our natural resources".
Vision Statement: "The Blue Ridge Soil & Water Conservation District, as an elected autonomous body, will strive to coordinate the natural resources interests to achieve our mission by educating and providing technical assistance to the citizens within".

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* 1. In what capacity have you worked with the Blue Ridge SWCD? (Check all that apply)

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* 2. Please rank your level of satisfaction with the Blue Ridge SWCD, when you partnered with us.

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* 3. How could the Blue Ridge SWCD better serve you as a partner?

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* 4. Please rank the following Blue Ridge SWCD outreach programs/activities by level of importance (1 being most important).

  1 2 3 4
Community outreach events (Community Gardens, AG Fair, Keeping SML Beautiful)
Agricultural outreach events (Farm Tour/Producer Workshops)
Student education (Envirothon, MWEE, Food for America Day, Ag Fair)
Urban conservation outreach (Rain Barrel & Compost workshops/ VCAP)

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* 5. What programs would like to see the Blue Ridge SWCD offer in the future?

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* 6. Please rank the following efforts of the Blue Ridge SWCD by level if importance (1 being most important)

  1 2 3 4
Environmental education - community and youth
Federal and state legislative change
Local policy guidance
Outreach - PR and marketing

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* 7. How have you received information about Blue Ridge SWCD projects in the past?  (Check all that apply)

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* 8. In the future, how would you like to receive information about partnering with the Blue Ridge SWCD on events or projects? (Check the one that best applies to your choice). If you would like to check more than one box please use the "other" to specify your answer.

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* 9. Please provide any additional comments and/or suggestions that will assist the Blue Ridge SWCD in our conservation efforts.

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* 10. For a chance to win one of three $75.00 drawings, please provide the following information:

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* 11. Thank you for completing this Partner Survey. If you entered an opportunity to win one of the three $75 drawings, the winner will be notified a the conclusion of the survey period.

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