Exit City of Bend Water Survey Question Title * 1. Where does the City of Bend get its domestic water? (Check all that apply) The Deschutes River Wells within the city Irrigation canals The Crooked River Wickiup Reservoir Bridge Creek None of the above Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. What percentage of water in the City of Bend is used for landscape irrigation? 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% I have no idea None of the above Question Title * 3. What do you feel is the main issue regarding water in the city of Bend? Effects of climate change Water waste or overuse Cost of water Infrastructure (how water is stored or delivered) Future availability Water quality Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. What is most important for your landscape? Low maintenance Low water use Pollinator or wildlife habitat Recreation use / gathering / socializing Aesthetics (clean and neat) Appearance (color and structure) Environmental responsibility Neighborhood appearance Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. When you think of turf, you think of... Grass lawn Artificial turf Other (please specify) None of the above Question Title * 6. Have you heard about the City of Bend's turf removal program? Yes No Question Title * 7. Have you participated in the City's turf removal program? Yes No Question Title * 8. If you have heard of or participated in the City's turf removal program, where did you hear about the program and do you have any comments or suggestionsfor the program? Done