Purpose of Collection

The purpose of this survey is to identify South Australian exporters and to determine their characteristics. This information will be used to understand how the South Australian government can better assist your business.


The information provided by you will remain confidential to the Department of State Development and the Minister for Investment and Trade.  

All responses are confidential and will be reported in aggregated form to ensure individual responses cannot be identified. By completing this survey you acknowledge that you have read and understood all of the information detailed in this notification, and agree to undertake the survey.

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* 1. Please provide the following contact information:

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* 2. Has your business exported goods and/or services from South Australia in the last 2 years?

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* 3. Does your business intend to export goods and/or services from South Australia in the next 2 years?

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* 4. How many employees does your business have?

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* 5. What was your business’s revenue for the financial year 2013/2014?

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* 7. What was the total value of goods and/or services that your business exported in the financial year 2013/2014 (OR if you did not export in 2013/2014, then the total value of goods and/or services exported in the previous financial year 2012/2013)?

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* 8. What countries has your business exported to in the last 2 years?

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* 9. What is the main country your business has exported to in the last 2 years? Note: In this context, ‘main country’ means the country where your business has exported the greatest value of goods or services.

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* 10. Does your business intend to commence exporting into new markets or re-enter markets in the next 2 years?

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* 11. What is the main country your business has exported to in the last 2 years? Note: In this context, ‘main country’ means the country where your business has exported the greatest value of goods or services.

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* 12. Please indicate which of the following your business has used to assist its export activities. Select all that apply.

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* 13. Which service was the most useful in assisting your business with your export activities? Please select one only.

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* 14. Has your business ever participated in an outward trade mission? Note: In this context, an ‘outward trade mission’ is a South Australian Premier or Minister led trip to overseas regions with South Australian businesses and government representatives.

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* 15. How effective was the outward trade mission in assisting your business to export? For example, the outward trade mission may have assisted your business to increase sales, and/or identify new buyers, markets or products.

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* 16. Has your business ever participated in an inward trade mission? Note: In this context, an ‘inward trade mission’ is a group of government representatives and businesses from a foreign jurisdiction travelling to South Australia to meet with local businesses and government. You may have participated in an inward trade mission by attending meetings or events with a delegation of foreign buyers.

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* 17. How effective was the inward trade mission in assisting your business to export? For example, the inward trade mission may have assisted your business to increase sales, and/or identify new buyers, markets or products.

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* 18. What could the State Government do to assist your business to expand its export activities further? Please specify.

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* 19. Would your business be likely to take up opportunities for foreign direct investment in order to expand your business?Note: In this context, ‘foreign direct investment’ would be investment from a company or entity outside of Australia into a South Australian company or entity.

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* 20. Do you have any other thoughts or comments on the South Australian export industry in relation to your business that you would like the Department of State Development to know? Please write any comments below.

Thank you for completing this survey. Your input is greatly appreciated.