Landlord Lunch & Learn Series (3)
Landlord Lunch & Learn Series
Are you a.....
Property Owner
Property Manager
Real Estate Agent
Other (please specify)
How many people watched the webinar with you?
I watched it by myself
I watched it with one other person
I watched the recorded version
Other (please specify how many other people watched with you on the same device)
Was the format of the webinar easy to follow?
Very easy
Neither easy nor difficult
Very difficult
What did you think about the webinar? Please select all that apply.
The information presented was easy to understand
All my questions were answered
I'm confused about the information that was presented
I still have some unanswered questions
I would be interested in attending more presentations/updates regarding the
Residential Tenancies Act
How useful was the Landlord Lunch & Learn Series in developing your knowledge of the following topics?
Extremely useful
Very useful
Somewhat useful
Not so useful
Not at all useful
Hearing Day and the Order-What to Expect
Extremely useful
Very useful
Somewhat useful
Not so useful
Not at all useful
Please rank your overall satisfaction with the Landlord Lunch and Learn Series.
Very satisfied
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Do you have any ideas or topic suggestions for future webinars?
Thank you for providing us with your feedback!