All the information you provide will be used only for statistical or consolidating analysis for publication, and individual-identifiable information will never be disclosed to any third party without specific prior permission.

Question Title

* 1. Introduction - Please state which country and, if applicable, state/province your institution is in:

Question Title

* 2. Introduction - How are you involved in studies applying ionizing radiation to human volunteers at your institution? (Please mark all that apply)

Question Title

* 3. Legislative / regulatory issues - What level and structure of requirements on the use of ionizing radiation in biomedical research exists in your country? (Please mark all that apply)

Question Title

* 4. Legislative / regulatory issues - Do requirements/guidelines recommend which level of doses to the human volunteer is justified based on the benefit expected from a research project?

Info: Standards could be based for instance on ICRP 62, NCRP 185 or US Code of Federal Regulations (21CFR361.1, FDA).

Question Title

* 5. Legislative / regulatory issues - What, if any, constraints on the radiation doses allowed in biomedical research exist in your country or at your institution for each category of human volunteer subjects?

  For patient volunteers For healthy volunteers For pregnant volunteers For children
No constraints
Constraint on the dose to the human volunteer in each Individual study
Constraint on the combined dose to the human volunteer from all studies over certain time period, e.g. during one year
Unknown/not applicable

Question Title

* 6. Legislative / regulatory issues - Are the constraints on the radiation doses allowed in biomedical research (cf. answers provided to question 5) set through national regulation or by rules of your institution?

Question Title

* 7. Legislative / regulatory issues - How is the adherence to specific guidelines issued by regulatory bodies/professional bodies monitored? (mark all that apply)

Question Title

* 8. Legislative / regulatory issues - Are the general guidelines (such as radiation protection knowledge on institutional review boards, IRBs) by professional bodies in your country/region strictly followed?

  1 (Totally disagree) 2 3 4 5 (Totally agree)
Indicate agreement on a scale from 1 (totally disagree) to 5 (totally agree)

Question Title

* 9. Management issues - Is a medical physicist and/or a radiation safety specialist required in the review and approval of research proposals that involve ionizing radiation by regulations/guidelines?

Question Title

* 10. Management issues - Are there special requirements for departments/facilities that carry out imaging or radiotherapy research of human volunteers in your country?

Question Title

* 11. Human volunteer-related issues - Are volunteers in biomedical research receiving any financial reward?

Question Title

* 12. Human volunteer-related issues - How is the radiation dose and radiation safety of the human volunteers evaluated in the process of setting up biomedical research involving exposure to ionising radiation? Evaluated by (mark all that apply)

Question Title

* 13. Human volunteer-related issues - What kind of information on radiation dose and associated risk is provided as part of the process of obtaining informed consent? (mark all that apply)

Question Title

* 14. Please provide any further comments or information:

Question Title

* 15. Optional: please provide contact details (name, email address, and affiliation) in case of follow-up questions.
Thank you very much for your participation.