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Growing to Amazing Heights: One Step at a Time

Thank you for your interest in submitting a presenter proposal for the 2023 PHSA Annual Spring Conference. We are thrilled to be coming back together in-person after 4 years. Show attendees what you are passionate about by sharing your expertise and experience in one of our valued workshops.
Dates of Conference: March 29-30, 2023.

Location: Seven Springs Resort
777 Water Wheel Drive, Champion, Pa, 15622.
Workshop Proposals:
Each workshop is 90 minutes long. You are welcome to submit double and multiple sessions.
Deadline for Submissions:  COB, Friday, January 6, 2023.
Considerations for Selection:
  • Connects to our theme, Growing to Amazing Heights: One Step at a Time.
  • Workshop content compliments other workshops being offered.
  • Reflects our PHSA mission. 
  • Has relevant learning objectives.
  • Is a professional and complete proposal.

You will receive a confirmation of receipt of your proposal. Contact Kim at if you have any questions about the proposal.

Question Title

* 1. Presenter contact information

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* 2. Position/Title

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* 3. Workshop Title

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* 4. Describe your expertise/experience to present on this topic.

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* 5. Provide a description of your workshop, including the activities/ instructional strategies you will be using to meet the stated objectives.  Workshops should actively engage participants (i.e., not primarily discussion or a paper presentation.)

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* 6. Provide one or two observable and measurable learning objectives. Learning objectives are to be statements that specify what the participants will know or be able to do as a result of attending your workshop. 

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* 7. Describe how this workshop will align with the 2023 Conference Theme "Growing to Amazing Heights: One Step at a Time."

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* 8. Please indicate the Head Start service areas to which this content applies, check all that apply.

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* 9. PHSA is committed to advocacy efforts within our Head Start community. Is there a way for you to encourage participants to link their learning to advocacy? Please describe.

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* 10. In what ways will equity, diversity, inclusion and belonging be addressed in the presentation?

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* 11. Please indicate your availability to present on the following dates. All workshops will be 90 minutes in length. Morning workshops will be scheduled between 8:30am and 12:30pm. Afternoon workshops will be scheduled between 1:00pm and 5:00pm. (Check all that apply.)

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* 12. I will have one or more co-presenters joining me at the workshop. (Co-presenter contact information must be entered below.)

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* 13. Presenters should expect anywhere from 20 - 75 attendees in their workshop. If you believe that your workshop would be better received if limited to a maximum number of attendees, please provide the maximum desired attendees. (If 20 - 75 is acceptable, enter "OK" in box.)

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* 14. Please select the PA Professional Standards and Competencies for Early Childhood Educators (PA PSCECE) Area that your workshop will address.  Additional information is available at

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* 15. Please indicate the Level of this workshop, as defined in the PA Professional Standards and Competencies for Early Childhood Educators (PA PSCECE).  Additional information is available at

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* 16. #1 Co-presenter contact information

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* 17. #2 Co-presenter contact information

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* 18. #3 Co-presenter contact information

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* 19. Are you a PQAS certified Instructor?

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* 20. By submitting this proposal, I agree to each of the following.

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* 21. Any additional information that we would need to know?