Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics policy & advocacy priorities

In preparation for the 2023 STA Leadership Dialogue, and to help shape STA’s next set of policy and advocacy priorities, we’d love your feedback to these questions. 

Please provide your email address to go into the draw to win a Super STEM Communicator workshop, valued at $3,500.

Question Title

* 1. Which STA member organisation do you represent?

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* 2. Name and email address.

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* 3. Please number the following policy asks in priority order for you and your organisation (1 highest priority - 10 lowest priority): 

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* 4. Which of the following broad STEM fields are most important to your organisation’s work? (select all that apply)

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* 5. Which current policy reviews are you engaged or interested in? (select all that apply)

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* 6. What STEM challenges or issues are most important to your organisation at the moment?

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* 7. What STEM policy challenges would you like STA to consider taking up over the next 12 months?