Thank you for using and facilitating 'The Threads Among Us' workshop! Please take 10 minutes to give us your feedback. We greatly value your time and input!

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* 1. Overall, how engaged did you feel during the workshop?

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* 2. Overall, how engaged did you perceive participants to be during the workshop?

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* 3. Overall, how helpful was the VIDEO in facilitating the workshop?

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* 4. Overall, how easy to use was the FACILITATOR'S MANUAL?

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* 5. My general feeling about Activity 1 (LADDER OF INFERENCE) is that it was:

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* 6. My general feeling about Activity 2 (SOCIAL CONTAGION) is that it was:

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* 7. My general feeling about Activity 3 (LETTER OF GRATITUDE) is that it was:

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* 8. Please recall a time when you felt most engaged in the workshop and describe it in as much detail as possible.

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* 9. Please recall a time when you felt least engaged in the workshop and describe it in as much detail as possible.

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* 10. Would you recommend the video to others?

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* 11. Would you recommend the curriculum/workshop to others?

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* 12. Please provide any other feedback you would like to share.