Facilitator Survey for 'The Threads Among Us' Workshop Thank you for using and facilitating 'The Threads Among Us' workshop! Please take 10 minutes to give us your feedback. We greatly value your time and input! OK Question Title * 1. Overall, how engaged did you feel during the workshop? Very engaged Somewhat engaged Somewhat unengaged Very unengaged OK Question Title * 2. Overall, how engaged did you perceive participants to be during the workshop? Very engaged Somewhat engaged Somewhat unengaged Very unengaged OK Question Title * 3. Overall, how helpful was the VIDEO in facilitating the workshop? Very helpful Somewhat helpful Somewhat unhelpful Very unhelpful OK Question Title * 4. Overall, how easy to use was the FACILITATOR'S MANUAL? Very easy Somewhat easy Somewhat difficult Very difficult OK Question Title * 5. My general feeling about Activity 1 (LADDER OF INFERENCE) is that it was: Excellent Good Fair Not worth the time OK Question Title * 6. My general feeling about Activity 2 (SOCIAL CONTAGION) is that it was: Excellent Good Fair Not worth the time OK Question Title * 7. My general feeling about Activity 3 (LETTER OF GRATITUDE) is that it was: Excellent Good Fair Not worth the time OK Question Title * 8. Please recall a time when you felt most engaged in the workshop and describe it in as much detail as possible. OK Question Title * 9. Please recall a time when you felt least engaged in the workshop and describe it in as much detail as possible. OK Question Title * 10. Would you recommend the video to others? Yes No OK Question Title * 11. Would you recommend the curriculum/workshop to others? Yes No OK Question Title * 12. Please provide any other feedback you would like to share. OK DONE