Sign Up to Re-envision the RepNet @EMCR Forum

The EMCR Forum is re-envisioning the role of RepNet in supporting Forum activities, including advocacy, policy recommendations, and community building. If you would like to be involved in the conversation, strategic planning, and/or want to join the new committee please complete this questionnaire.
3.Do you identify as an Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person? (Please select one only)
4.What is your age
5.In the last two weeks, did you spend time providing unpaid care, help or assistance for family members or others? (Please select as many as relevant)
6.How would you describe your cultural background?  

Our cultural background is the cultural/ethnic group(s) to which you feel you belong or identify. This background may be the same as your parents, grandparents, or your heritage, or it may be the country you were born in or have spent a great amount of time in, or you feel more closely tied to.
7.How do you describe your gender? (Please select the most relevant response).
8.Research Field
9.Are you an EMCR Forum Member?  (if no, register now, its free)(Required.)
10.Position Title
11.Research Unit/Department
12.Primary Employer
13.How do you want to contribute to the re-envisioning of RepNet? Tell us about an idea you have for a re-launched RepNet.(Required.)
14.Are you interested in joining the re-launched RepNet committee?