Part 1: Advanced Evidence Intro Survey (Spg 23:2)

1.Please write your first name as you wish to be addressed in class.
2.What year are you at CUNY?
3.Do you have a copy of the Evidence textbook Learning Evidence: From the Federal Rules to the Courtroom by Merritt & Simmons? 
4.What kind of law do you hope to practice after graduation? (It’s okay if you’re not sure!)
5.In what state or jurisdiction do you plan to practice law after graduation?
6.What experience, if any, do you have with forensic science?
7.What experience, if any, do you have with the criminal justice system? (I’m primarily asking about professional experience here, but if you would like to share any personal experiences as well please do.)
8.Where did you work last summer? (Please just briefly describe the work of the organization and your role.)
Current Progress,
0 of 8 answered