What Is Your Next Step?

Jesus is always on the move.  So when we follow Jesus, there is always a next step.  So what’s your next step? 

Use this resource to listen to God about what area of your faith you are being called to take a next step.
1.I have a relationship with God through Jesus, empowered by the Holy Spirit.
2.I am connecting with God each week through a worship gathering.
3.I am connecting with God each day through the Bible and prayer.
4.I am taking adequate time for rest and refreshment.
5.I am generally living in a state of peace.
6.I am taking care of the body God has given me.
7.I have friends who are encouraging me and challenging me in my faith.
8.I am in a healthy place in my marriage, parenting, or other key relationships.
9.I have found a good fit for using my gifts to serve others.
10.I am in a healthy place financially and I am giving to my church what God wants me to.
11.I am growing a friendship with someone who doesn’t know Jesus.
12.I have invited someone to worship, a group, or a serving opportunity in the last 3 months.
13.The statement(s) that God is calling me to grow most in right now is:
14.I would like to connect with a board member for conversation and discernment about next steps.  If yes, please provide your name and contact phone and/or e-mail.
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