Post-Event Feedback Survey Thank you for attending the Capel Vale Conquer Cystic Fibrosis Grand Ball. Your feedback is greatly appreciated. Question Title * 1. Overall, how would you rate the event? Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor What could we do better (please specify) Question Title * 2. How would you rate the venue/location? Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. How would you rate the value for money of the event? Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. What did you like most about the event? (Please select all) MC Food Drinks Selection Venue Silent Auction Tombolla Roses Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. If you did not register for the silent auction please let us know why. Question Title * 6. Would you recommend any future Conquer Cystic Fibrosis organised events to a friend? Extremely likely Very likely Somewhat likely Not very likely Not at all likely Question Title * 7. Is there any other feedback you would like to give us about the event? Done