Please take a moment to review the following questions about your experience with analytics offerings from DAT, and answer a few follow-up questions.

Your feedback on the features you need to succeed as a broker will help drive innovation at DAT.

Question Title

* 1. We value your opinion. Please share any overall feedback or comments you have about DAT analytics tools.

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* 2. On a scale of 1-5, please rate your experience using analytics tools from DAT.

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* 3. Which of the following Rate insights would you LEAST and MOST value as part of your subscription? (Select one item for LEAST and one for MOST)

Value the LEASTValue the MOST
Shipment Rate: A cost estimate for a shipment with specific parameters, including lead time, day of week, weight, hazmat, and drop-offs.
Shipper-to-Broker Rate: A cost estimate or average rate for shipper pay to brokers.
Market Lane Rate: An average rate for a recommended balance of origin/destination geographic size and included days.
Rate Forecast: A short and long-term forecast of average rates for a specific truck type with a recommended balance of origin/destination geographic size and included days.

Question Title

* 4. Which of the following analytics tools and workflows would you LEAST and MOST value as a part of your subscription? (Select one item for LEAST and one for MOST)

Value the LEASTValue the MOST
Ratecast: Confidently price a load in advance by accessing an 35-day forecast rate.
Request for Proposals (RFP) Tool: Accurately respond to an RFP by easily uploading the lanes you are bidding on, and receive customizable pricing estimates from DAT.
LaneMakers: Easily find capacity on lanes using DAT's market leading load board data.
Tender Reject Data: Tender acceptance is the process of selecting a carrier to transport loads. This data provides rate information on rejected loads.
Broker Benchmark: Compare/Benchmark your moved rates against DAT modeled rate estimates.

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* 5. Thinking about your individual and team needs as a broker, which DAT iQ package would you MOST be interested in purchasing, based on the descriptions above?