Opening page

Welcome to April's post-fast survey!'s mission is inspired by Mohandas Gandhi's fasts for peace in India, which reduced violence and unified diverse people during turbulent times. We promote a national fast for peace on the 15th of every month. (You can pledge for May's fast for peace at the bottom of this page.)

If you joined the fast for peace this month, you're invited to share your experiences and opinions through this survey, which may take about 10 minutes to complete. All questions are optional except the first three.

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* 1. Did you fast - eat no food and drink only water - for 24 consecutive hours for the national fast for peace on April 15, 2020?

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* 2. What is your email address? (We hate spam as much as you do; it will never be sold.)

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* 3. What is your US zip code, or the country you live in?

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* 4. Would you like to receive reminder emails around the 13th of the month from, as well as a streamlined version of this survey each month on the 16th? If yes, please enter your name in the text box, and you will receive an email asking you to confirm within 24 hours. (This link opens the signup page in a new window.)

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* 5. Will you pledge to join the next fast for peace on Friday, May 15, 2020?