Periodically we add new technology into GenSmarts and we'd like your help in beta testing it! If you are interested in being a beta tester, complete and submit the survey below. We'll like to limit the number of testers and then gradually open things up as we near release - so don't be disappointed if you don't hear back from us right away. Check our website for updates on any recent or upcoming releases.

Question Title

* 1. What email address should we use to communicate with you about the beta testing?

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* 2. How long have you been using GenSmarts?

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* 3. What software do you plan to use in 2012 to maintain your genealogy data? (check all that apply)

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* 4. What hardware do you have? (check all that apply)

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* 5. Below is a list of frequently requested features - rank these in importance to your use of GenSmarts. This is a ranking question - assign a different rank to each item.

  1 (most important) 2 3 4 5 6 (least important)
Automatically update my data and sources for things that I find in GenSmarts
Let me add my own websites
Make it easier to use
Fewer suggestions that duplicate what I already know
Let me access suggestions from my portable device while I'm travelling
Make it work on my Mac

Question Title

* 6. Regarding your technology skills, which of the following items do you believe you'd be comfortable and capable of doing? Check off each item that you both understand and believe you can accomplish. Note that these are just some examples of varying skill levels and not necessarily a list of required skills needed for beta testing.

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* 7. How frequently do you use your computer to access your genealogy?

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* 8. Regarding the genealogy records you imagine researching in 2012, what geographic area are these records from? (pick the area whose records you expect to use the most in 2012)

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* 9. How many individuals would you estimate are in the genealogy file you intend to use with GenSmarts?

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* 10. Which social networking tools do you use? (check all statements that apply)

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* 11. If you have any comments or suggestions regarding the survey, or if you would like to pass along any additional information, please use the field below