Service User, Family/Supporter Experiences of Mental Health Services during Covid-19

Experience of Mental Health Services Communication & Engagement during Covid-19

Covid-19 has brought significant changes in the way mental health services have been delivered in the last number of months. It has meant a change in how services are delivered and how they are received and this has been challenging for everyone.
This survey aims to explore your experiences of receiving services during the pandemic. The information you will provide is fully confidential and will not identify you. The information provided will be used to inform service design and delivery that we offer during Covid-19.  

If you have any queries regarding any of the questions below. Please contact us via email: 
1.Do you identify yourself as....
2.Please choose your age range
3.If you have used mental health services in the past 2 years, what services did you use?
4.Are you a......
5.How did you receive information on Covid-19, it's effects & protection measures - Select all those that apply
6.Did you find the information you received on Covid-19 easy to understand?
7.Where did you receive information on minding your mental health/accessing services during the Covid-19 pandemic? - Select all those that apply
8.Did you find it helpful?
9.Was there any Additional Information that would have helped you Mind your Mental Health during Covid-19?
10.How did you receive communications from the HSE Mental Health Services re: how you would be supported during Covid-19 restrictions? - Select all those that apply
11.Has your mental health service delivery changed during Covid-19?
12.How have HSE staff engaged/connected with you during the Covid-19 crisis? [Please tick all that are appropriate]
13.Did you receive any additional support from HSE Mental Health Services during Covid-19
14.If answer to Q13 is yes - What type of additional support did you receive?
15.What aspects of support received from your community mental health team worked well for you?
16.Are there any changes to the approach used by your team that you would like to see retained/kept when Covid-19 restrictions are removed?
17.What aspects of support received from your community mental health team did not work well for you?
18.Are there any additional supports or information that can be offered by your team which may be helpful to you during this time? - Select the top three which you feel would be most beneficial
19.Do you have access to a smart phone, laptop, home computer or internet to avail of online/virtual supports provided?
20.If answer to Q19 is no, would you be willing to use a smart phone or any other technology with access to internet?
21.Would you be comfortable using online video calls to receive information and/care from your community mental health team?
22.How would you prefer to receive communications from the mental health services? [Choose your top three methods of receiving communication]
23.What challenges did you experience during Covid-19 that threatened your mental health & well-being?
24.What support would have helped your mental health & well-being during this time?
25.Is there any additional feedback you would like to share with us about your experience of using the mental health services during Covid-19?
Current Progress,
0 of 25 answered