BLOOD BORNE PATHOGEN TRAINING POST TEST SY '19-'20 Question Title * 1. FIRST AND LAST NAME OK Question Title * 2. People who have blood borne diseases often look and feel healthy? True False OK Question Title * 3. All body fluids should be treated as infectious? True False OK Question Title * 4. Hepatitis B is preventable with a vaccine? True False OK Question Title * 5. Gloves should ALWAYS be worn when in contact with blood or body fluids? True False OK Question Title * 6. Hands and other body parts should be washed immediately after contact with blood or body fluids? True False OK Question Title * 7. Blood borne pathogens can enter the body thru eyes, nose, mouth or broken skin such as cuts and sores? True False OK Question Title * 8. If exposed to blood or body fluids, immediately report the incident to the school nurse and building administrator? True False OK Question Title * 9. If exposure to the eye, nose, or mouth, flush with water for 15 minutes? True False OK Question Title * 10. If you answered true to every question above, congratulations! You have completed and passed the post test. If you have any questions, please see your school nurse. Lastly, leave a comment below to provide feedback. Thank you! OK DONE