Customer Survey

Question Title

What is your gender?

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Which category below includes your age?

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What time of day did you visit our salon?

Question Title

Which products and/or services do you use when you visit our salon? Select all that apply:

Question Title

Which of the following best describes the frequency of your visits to Desert Sun?

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How would you describe pricing strategy?

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Which best describes your perception of Desert Sun employees?

Question Title

Please rate the staff on the following items from your most recent visit

  Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
I was assisted in a timely and efficient manner
The staff was friendly and I felt welcome during my visit
The staff was knowledgeable and able to address my needs
The staff actively listened to my needs and worked to address them
The staff made me feel that my business was appreciated
The staff was dressed appropriately and presented themselves professionally
The staff was dedicated to providing outstanding service

Question Title

Please rate all the following attributes in determining the salon of your choice

  Not important Somewhat important Neutral Quite important Very important
Communication and listening
Speed of service

Question Title

Please rank the following items in order of importance when choosing a tanning salon

Question Title

Please rate your level of satisfaction in the following categories

  Dissatisfied Somewhat Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied
Customer service
Service offerings
Product offerings
Equipment working properly
Cleanliness of salon/beds

Question Title

Which of the following competitors have you visited in the past year?

Question Title

Overall, I would say that my experience at Desert Sun was

Question Title

Please use this box to provide any additional feedback

Question Title

Would you like to be contacted regarding your experience?

Question Title

Please fill out your prefered method of contact information below if you would like us to call or email you regarding your experience.