
We thank you for renewing your CNL Certification! Please take a few moments to answer the questions below.

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* 1. Please rate your CNL experiences.

  Never Sometimes Often Always
I have suggested a cost/saving idea or process that improves institutional efficiency.
I am able to use aggregate data sets to improve care.
I have taken part in institutional wide committees to promote safety and quality care.
I have had the opportunity to assimilate research based evidence to improve outcomes.
I have had the opportunity to conduct a microsystems analysis to improve institutional outcomes.
I have developed educational materials for patients or staff.

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* 2. I am valued as an employee because of my CNL knowledge and skills.

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* 3. I am able to apply my CNL knowledge and skills in my current position.

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* 4. My immediate supervisor is aware of my CNL knowledge and skills.

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* 5. I have been asked to serve in the following position:

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* 6. I have applied for a position to advance in my organization's clinical ladder.

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* 7. I am an important member of an interdisciplinary team.

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* 8. I would like to say...

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We thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. If you have any immediate questions, please contact CNC's staff at CNL@aacnnursing.org

We thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. If you have any immediate questions, please contact CNC's staff at CNL@aacnnursing.org