Take this short quiz after watching the presentation in order to test your understanding of the material.

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1. Your Information:

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2. Prior to 9/11/01 how many steel-framed high-rise buildings have suffered complete collapse due to fire?

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3. Because typical office fires travel somewhat chaotically and because they burn out in a given area after approximately 20 minutes, if a high-rise building were to suffer a fire-induced failure, it would most likely fail:

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4. True or False: Sudden onset of collapse, symmetry (i.e., falling straight down), and near-free-fall acceleration are three typical features associated with fire-induced failure.

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5. Another typical feature of controlled demolition that was exhibited in the destruction of WTC 7 was:

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6. According to the 2008 report from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), World Trade Center Building 7 collapsed primarily due to:

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7. The series of structural failures that NIST found to be the most likely cause of the collapse involved:

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8. Per NIST: For what period of time and over what distance (in terms of stories) was WTC 7 in absolute free fall?

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9. True or False: NASA thermal imaging conducted on September 16, 2001, found temperatures as high as 1,340°F in the debris field of WTC 7.

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10. True or False: NIST included in its final report a detailed examination of the sulfidated steel from WTC 7 that was documented in Appendix C of the FEMA report - which The New York Times had called “perhaps the deepest mystery uncovered in the investigation.”

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11. What substance was discovered and analyzed in multiple, independently collected World Trade Center dust samples, according to a team of scientists led by Dr. Niels Harrit (professor of chemistry from the University of Copenhagen)?

(This concludes the quiz. The following questions are optional.)

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12. Optional: Do you believe that a new investigation into the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 is warranted?

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13. Optional: Would you like to receive our occasional email news bulletins?

100% of survey complete.