Testimonials for Glad Day Question Title * 1. What is the name we can use for you PUBLICLY? People trust testimonials more when people are willing to share their last name or at least a last initial. Question Title * 2. Write your testimonial here. You can write anything, but here are some questions to think about:- How has Glad Day impacted you?- What special memory do you have of Glad Day?- Why is it important for Glad Day to exist? What would be lost if it stopped existing?- What is something special about Glad Day that people might not realize or think about?- What is it that Glad Day can do uniquely or well?Testimonials can be very short. We will probably turn them into Instagram posts. Question Title * 3. Upload a photo of you [OPTIONAL]Upload a photo of you that you give us consent to use with your testimonial. People trust testimonials more when they can see who wrote them. PDF, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only. Choose File Choose File No file chosen Remove File Upload a photo of you [OPTIONAL]Upload a photo of you that you give us consent to use with your testimonial. People trust testimonials more when they can see who wrote them. Question Title * 4. Link to a photo of you [OPTIONAL]Add a link to a photo (or photos) of you that you give us consent to use with your testimonial. People trust testimonials more when they can see who wrote them. Question Title * 5. Can we contact you? If so, what email should we use? [OPTIONAL]We might want to contact you for more information or if we have questions about your testimonial. Question Title * 6. Your comments or questions: Done