Accessibility Plan Survey

All government agencies must develop an Accessibility Plan to address accessibility barriers in policies, practices and procedures; the Town of Neepawa’s plan is to be in place by the end of the year.

Under the authority of the Accessibility for Manitobans Act, the Town of Neepawa strives to identify, remove and prevent barriers to accessibility which will enhance service standards for all citizens and visitors.

A barrier to accessibility is anything that limits or prevents a person from being able to receive information, services and goods, and access space or activities. 

We tend to be more aware of disabilities with visual cues (wheelchair, service animal, etc.)  Disabilities can be invisible – mental illness, developmental or learning disabilities, chemical or food sensitivities, disabilities caused by illnesses, etc.
We are asking for your input and assistance in ensuring we meet the needs of all our citizens and visitors as we develop our plan, and request that you take a few minutes to answer this short survey.  Thank you!

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Barriers/Descriptions/Examples - Please review these, as they will form the basis of your responses.  Thank You!

Barriers/Descriptions/Examples - Please review these, as they will form the basis of your responses.  Thank You!
Please consider the Barriers/Descriptions/Examples listed in the chart above when answering the following few questions.

You may scroll back up to the Chart at any time throughout the Survey to refresh yourself.

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* 1. We encourage all our residents complete this survey; including advocates on behalf of others.  Please let us know if you are completing this on behalf of yourself, as an interested resident or someone you are advocating for?

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* 2. What barriers do you feel people face when accessing the Town Administration Office?

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* 3. What barriers do you feel people face when accessing the Neepawa Swimming Pool?

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* 4. What barriers do you feel people face when accessing the Riverbend Campground?

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* 5. What barriers do you feel people face when accessing the Flats Recreation Area?

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* 6. What barriers do you feel people face when accessing our Programs or Services?

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* 7. Are there any other Town-owned locations, facilities, etc that you have encountered an accessibility barrier or are aware of an accessibility barrier? Please be as specific as possible as to location, facility etc and the barrier.

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* 8. What suggestions do you have specifically related to accessibility, taking into account our aims and objectives of an accessibility plan, as outlined at the beginning of this survey?

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* 9. We would like to hear from persons affected, or representatives from organizations of persons with disabilities, looking for input into improvements and identifying accessibility priorities.  Would you be interested in participating?

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* 10. Do you have any last thoughts, comments or suggestions you would like to share, related to the development of our Accessibility Plan, that you feel would be helpful?

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* 11. Contact Information - Please note:  Your contact info and all your responses will remain confidential.