Sport Governing Bodies (SGBs)

a)      Sport Governing Body (SGB) refers to a single provincial governing body responsible of all aspects of a designated sport activity.

b)      A SGB governs the circumstances of a particular sport activity in the Province of Prince Edward Island that is recognized by a national sport governing body that has at least four (4) other provinces/territories or multi-sport organizations, but which is not recognized by Sport Canada as a NSO or MSO. 

c)       SGBs are expected to be the governing body for their sport, for both genders, all age groups and levels, and all disciplines of the sport, including disciplines and events for athletes with a disability. Exceptions may include established disciplines in PEI or Canada that have developed separately through historic precedence. If more than one organization applies as the SGB in the same sport, a determination of which sport is the SGB shall be made by the Board.

For details go to: Membership Criteria