We are conducting this survey to learn about the current mental health and disability services provided to refugees and newcomers. We are specifically looking to understand how the COVID-19 Pandemic has impacted these services and their delivery. 

Information collected in this survey will help the TEQ LIP inform the development of capacity building sessions for service providers in the mental health and disability sectors. 

This survey is intended for service providers who are:
i) Providing direct mental health services, and/or disability services to refugees and newcomers
ii) Or serving newcomer clients with disabilities and/or mental health needs
This survey will be open from February 23rd 2023 - March 16th 2023, and is divided into 2 main sections: i) mental health specific services and needs and ii) disability specific services and needs. There are questions that will filter you to the section most relevant to the services your organization provides.  Each section contains 11 questions and will take 15 mins to complete
This survey is voluntary and you can exit at any time. Please note however that you cannot pause the survey once you begin.  

Responses will be kept confidential and answers are anonymous, however personal information is required if you are interested in being contacted for further training opportunities. All personal information will be separated from the responses collected.
For the sake of this survey, the following terms are defined as: 
Newcomer: immigrant or refugee who has been in Canada for 5 years or less, regardless of status. 
Mental Health: refers to an individual’s psychological and emotional state of being.
Mental Health Services: services that respond to mental health needs through assessment/screening, treatment, education or promotion or diagnosis. 
Disability: We acknowledge that there are many different definitions of disability and that it is a product of an individual's interactions with socially imposed conditions. For the sake of this survey, disability refers to barriers experienced by an individual in regards to mobility, vision, hearing, learning, and intellect. 
Disability Services: services that respond to disability needs through assessment/screening, treatment, education, promotion or diagnosis.
Thank you for time and contribution to this survey. For questions, please contact Azreen Sikder at asikder@ccscan.ca

Question Title

* 1. Which sector are you currently working in/what services do you provide?

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* 2. What primary geographical area does your organization/office provide services in i.e catchment area? 
Please select all that apply*

Question Title

* 3. What is your current role?

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* 4. Please rate the following statements:

  Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree
I am satisfied with the quality and quantity of accessibility training I have received from my organization
It is easy for clients with accessibility needs to request access accommodations for our services  
Our services are offered in the languages of the demographics we serve
Our services are AODA (Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities) compliant

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* 5. Please specify what sector your organization is a part of. 
Select all that apply*

Question Title

* 6. Does your organization provide mental health services?