
This is an anonymous survey that will give the fishermen of Scotland, the opportunity to feedback on the impacts of the Interim Measures, introduced in May 2024. The information is being gathered by the Regional Inshore Fisheries Network and once collated will be shared (anonymised) with the Scottish Government.
The interim measures introduced were:

1. A ban on the landing, offering for sale or consigning of berried lobsters or brown crab.

2. Restrictions on the operation in 0-6nm of Super crabbers (vessels greater than 12m in length that have caught over 200 tonnes of brown crab and or lobster during any 12 month period from 2020 onwards).

The questions in this survey are focused on the direct factual outcomes and only looks at brown crab and lobster as these were the only species affected by the interim measures. There are, however, 4 optional questions at the end, seeking your opinions of any measures that may be considered in the future of Inshore fisheries management.