Welcome to the Centre for Workforce Development’s Employer Day of Action Survey! Employers across our region are facing a rapidly evolving labour market, balancing both challenges and opportunities in attracting and retaining talent. With the added uncertainty of existing and potential tariff wars, understanding the current and future workforce landscape is more critical than ever.

That’s why this survey, developed in partnership with the Belleville Chamber of Commerce and the Bay of Quinte Regional Marketing Board, has been designed to capture real-time workforce insights that reflect the realities of doing business in Hastings, Prince Edward, and Lennox & Addington Counties. The resulting data is expected to highlight key hiring and retention challenges, emerging workforce trends, and industry-driven solutions that can help shape regional workforce development strategies moving forward.

There is also a pressing need to challenge outdated perceptions of our job market. Many youth, parents and job seekers may assume that local employment opportunities are primarily entry-level or unskilled - when in reality, businesses across multiple sectors require a diverse range of skilled talent to support their operations and growth. This survey will help dispel these misconceptions and provide employers with a stronger voice in shaping workforce solutions.

Why Your Participation Matters

Your input will help guide workforce strategies, inform key stakeholders, and help ensure that businesses like yours have access to the talent and resources needed to thrive. The survey will take approximately 5–10 minutes to complete, and all responses will remain confidential. Results will be reported only in aggregate form.
2x $500 Cash Prize Draws for Participants

As a thank-you for your time, we are offering two $500 cash prize draws for businesses that complete the survey. At the end of this survey, you’ll be prompted to provide your company name and contact information for the draw. Please note that your company name and contact information will be collected confidentially and will not be publicly linked to your survey responses. The first $500 cash prize will be drawn by a random electronic number generator at 2:00 PM on March 18, 2025. The second $500 cash prize will be drawn using a random electronic number generator at 12:00 PM on April 18, 2025, the official closing date of the survey. Winners will be notified by phone call/email at which time arrangements will be made for an optional photo opportunity and collection of the prize money.

Thank you for your valuable input and for helping to build a stronger, more resilient workforce for our region!

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* 1. Which category applies most closely to your local organization?

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* 2. What County does your business operate in? (Select all that apply.)

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* 3. How many employees do you have currently? (Note: If you are a seasonal employer please enter the number of people you employ seasonally.)

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* 4. How many employees do you anticipate your company will have by 2027 (within the next two years)?

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* 5. Please identify the following managerial roles in your local organization.

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* 6. Do you currently have job openings for any of these managerial roles noted above?

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* 7. How many managerial roles do you expect to hire in the next two years?

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* 8. Please identify the following administrative/departments/operations roles that exist within your local organization.

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* 9. Do you currently have job openings for any of these administration/departments/operations roles noted above?

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* 10. How many administration/department/operations roles do you expect to hire in the next two years?

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* 11. Please identify all the supportive roles within your local organization.

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* 12. Do you currently have any job openings for these supportive roles?

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* 13. How many of these supportive roles do you expect to hire in the next two years?

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* 14. Please identify the skilled trades jobs specifically required by your organization?

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* 15. Do you currently have any job openings for the skilled trades positon/s noted above?

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* 16. How many skilled trades positions do you expect to hire in the next two years?

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* 17. Please identify all education levels that apply to job positions within your organization.

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* 18. Please check off the skill sets listed below that you require of some/all staff or consider an asset to your organization.

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* 19. Please choose the top 5 transferable skills listed below that you require of staff or consider an asset to your organization.

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* 20. Outside of regulated professions (governed by a license/certification) are there any specific certifications or training that your organization requires employees to have or acquire for job positions?

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* 21. Please check off all options within the benefit package provided to your employees.

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* 22. What is the general working schedule for you/most of your employees?

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* 23. What is the salary range within your organization? If you have multiple levels, please check all that apply.

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* 24. Does your company accept co-op students, placement students or internships?

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* 25. Do you outsource any of the following services?

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* 26. What impacts, if any, is your organization currently experiencing or anticipating in the future due to existing and potential tariffs? (Select all that apply and provide additional details if applicable.)

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* 27. General Feedback
Please share insights into the workforce needs of your company or industry. We’re particularly interested in understanding the challenges you face in recruiting and retaining talent, as well as any successes you’ve had in building your workforce. Additionally, we’d love your perspective on training gaps or opportunities that could help bridge skill shortages in your sector.

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* 28. Thank you for taking the time to complete the Employer Day of Action survey! Your insights are highly valuable in shaping workforce development initiatives in our region.

Providing your company name and contact information below is optional, but it is required if you would like to be entered into the draws for one of two $500 cash prizes.

Important Note: Your survey responses remain completely confidential. Only CFWD staff will have access to your contact information, and it will only be used for the following purposes:

1️⃣ Prize Draw Entry – If you are one of our two lucky winners, we will contact you directly.
2️⃣ Stay Connected – We’d love to invite you to participate in future workforce initiatives and employer-focused activities in our community.

We truly appreciate your valuable input and engagement. Best of luck in the draw!