Heavenly Yarns Class Suggestions Question Title * 1. Which of these classes would you be interested in? Gauge & Finished Measurements Casting On and Binding Off (different methods) Increases and Decreases Fixing Mistakes How to "read" your knitting Installing a zipper Finishing: Seams and Buttonholes Pockets Short Rows Steeking (cutting) your garment Stranded (two-color) Knitting Jogless join for stripes Magic Loop technique Sequence Knitting Grabbing Stitches for 3D Effect Crochet Techniques Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. What days of the week would you take a class? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. What WEEKDAY times are best for you? 9-11 am 11am-1pm 1-3pm 3-5pm after 5pm Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. What WEEKEND times are best for you? 9-11am 11am-1pm 1-3pm 3-5pm after 5pm Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. We appreciate your input! Any other thoughts or suggestions you'd like to share? Done