Please help your local library and the New Mexico State Library evaluate the 2015 Summer Reading Program. Your answers on this survey will help obtain funding for the program as well as improve it. Thank you for your time, and we appreciate your participation.

Question Title

* 1. Please select the name of the library where you participated in the Summer Reading Program.

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* 2. How many children, under your care, participated in the Summer Reading Program, in each age group?

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 More than 10
0-3 years old
4-6 years old
7-9 years old
10-12 years old
13-15 years old
16-18 years old

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* 3. Do you and your child(ren) have library cards?

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* 4. How did you first learn about the Summer Reading Program?

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* 5. We participated in the Summer Reading Program...

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* 7. Will you continue to bring your children to the library this fall?

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* 8. The incentives and awards offered by the Summer Reading Program encouraged my child(ren) to read.

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* 9. What was your and your child(ren)'s favorite part of the Summer Reading Program, and why?

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* 10. Please let us know in your own words what a difference the 2015 Summer Reading Program has made for your child(ren) and family.