Early Community Outreach - 1203 N. Allen Pl. (SDCI#6890591-CN)
All responses may be made public and will be submitted to SDCI.
What is your connection to this development project? (Select all that apply)
I live very close to the project
I live in the general area
I own a business nearby
I used to live in this neighborhood and would like to move back
I visit the area often for work or leisure
I don't have a direct connection, but I do care about growth and development in Seattle
Other (please specify)
What is most important to you about a new development at this property? (Select up to two)
That its nice looking
That it looks unique and interesting
That it is affordable for residents
That it is designed to be family-friendly
That it is designed with environmental sustainability in mind
Other (please specify)
What concerns do you have about the project? (Select any/all that apply)
Construction noise/impacts
The current use (single family residence) going away
That I will not like the way it looks
That it will not be affordable
That it may feel out of scale with other homes nearby
That it will make driving and parking in the neighborhood more difficult
I don't really have specific concerns
Other (please specify)
What opportunities or benefits might be achieved by this project? (Select any/all that apply)
Increasing the number of homes available in the neighborhood
Creating opportunities for home ownership
Strengthening the community
Other (please specify)
Is there anything specific about this property or neighborhood that would be important for us to know?
What else would make the project successful for decades to come?
You can also email us at info@hdltcollaborative.com
Project web page: